Monday, August 12, 2013

The Prayer Quilt

My Healing Prayer Quilt

My Beautiful Prayer Quilt--Front
This is a follow up from the post, "How to Help a Lymie Out."

This quilt was recently sent to me by one of my aunts to bring me healing and peace. She told me the story of how it was made lovingly and with prayers by the Prayers and Squares quilting guild that she is a member of at her church. Their priest blessed this specific quilt at the end of Sunday Service. My Aunt held it up and the priest anointed it and said the prayer. After the service, the congregation come over and tied a knot and said a prayer for me. There was a small sign beside the quilt with my name on it and included the information about my illness, Chronic Lyme Disease. My aunt and uncle also tied knots and said a prayer for my healing.

She sent me the prayer quilt with some knots left untied. Those were for family, friends, and others in my life to tie and pray over. So far I have prayed and tied a knot, as has my boyfriend. I took it to my Integrative Healing Specialist, whom I love and respect with all my heart, and she blessed it every day for one week. She also had other patients that I have bonded with over the years pray over it and tie their own knots for healing and peace. It became so popular at her healing center in Homewood that the patients have inquired into donating to my aunt's church in return for a quilt of their own. My aunt, the continuous adventurer, is on a cross-country road trip and is going to talk to the Prayers and Squares Quilting Guild when she returns home. I will keep you updated on the status.

Close up of knot, Prayer Quilt Front
I plan on having my parents and sisters tie a knot while saying a healing prayer and also having our minister pray over it. I will get more friends and family to tie knots and pray as well--that way the prayers and divine healing powers will keep building and building upon each other and bless me continually.

What I love the most about this blanket--besides the love and well-wishes from my aunt and uncle that is symbolizes--is that you can actually feel the power in the blanket. You can feel the divine blessings and the love that went into making it. You can feel it has been loved and prayed over. You can touch it and feel the warmth of God. I am not sure if I would have felt the divine healing energy of the blanket so strongly if I had received it at the beginning of my treatment.

As I have mentioned in a previous post, My Curse is Also My Blessing, my relationship with God has grown by leaps and bounds in the past year or so. Having my relationship with the Creator stronger than it has ever been, I feel the strength in the prayer blanket like a soft electricity. When I am unwell and am on the couch in my den, I have the healing blanket on me. And when I go to bed at night, I bring it in and put it on top of my duvet. I can feel it protecting me, almost like being wrapped in a cocoon. When I am snuggled up in the blanket, I can feel the love of God and countless others and I feel safe and at peace. I believe with all my heart that the blanket, filled with so much love and prayer, will be a key factor in my healing process.

Prayer Quilt: Back

Here is some information from the Prayers & Squares web site: "Prayers & Squares is an interfaith outreach organization that combines the gift of prayer with the gift of a hand-tied quilt. Unlike many other groups that make quilts for charitable causes, the purpose of Prayers & Squares is not to make and distribute quilts, but to promote prayer through the use of quilts. Our motto is: "It's not about the quilt; it's all about the prayers." 

Each Knot Represents a Prayer

The idea behind these prayer quilts is simple. A heavy thread is used to take stitches through the quilt layers, and the ends are left free to be tied with square knot. As each knot is tied, a silent prayer is said for someone in special need, who then receives the finished quilt.Through Prayers & Squares many quilts have been distributed, each a special gift of love. They have been made for sick babies, for cancer and AIDS patients, for adults and children facing surgery or personal crisis; for many reasons, but each for someone in special need of prayer." 

Prayer Quilt: Back

More about Prayers & Squares, from their web site:

"Can you touch a prayer?
Can you pull it close and feel its comfort
You can if it's part of a Prayer Quilt from Prayers & Squares, the Prayer Quilt Ministry. It's a simple idea with powerful results, but our Prayer Quilts are more than just colorful, comforting blankets. The warmth they bring comes from the prayers that are tied into each knot. Who gets these wonderful gifts of prayer, and who is making them? You'll want to read our inspirational stories, check out some photos from our members, and then you might want to start your own chapter.

The History of Prayers & Squares
Kody in 1992 and in 1996.
A few ladies started an informal quilting group in 1992 at Hope United Methodist Church in Ranch Bernardo, California, with no other purpose than to have fun making quilts together. Then, a group member's 2-year-old grandson ended up in a coma following heart surgery. His doctors were very pessimistic about Kody's chances for recovery. The ladies decided to make a quilt in vivid primary colors. There was no time to quilt it, so it was tied with perle cotton thread as silent prayers were said for Kody. "There must be a prayer tied in with each knot" someone remarked. The group's first prayer quilt was rushed to the hospital that night.

Even before he was fully conscious, Kody's little hands were touching and fingering the knots on his quilt. After he came out of the coma, the quilt became important in his recovery. In fact, his doctors wrote into his medical chart that the quilt was not to leave his side! Through several subsequent surgeries, whenever he needed another needle stick or a scary test, that quilt was right with him, providing comfort and strength for many years. We are sorry to report that Kody died suddenly at age 14 in November, 2003. Our prayers are with his godmother, Carolyn Wright and his grandmother, Reva Eggleston. Both of these ladies were part of the founding Prayers & Squares group." -The Prayers and Squares web site (click this link to visit now).   

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